TriSass sono tre sassi uno sull'altro
per costruire equilibri e combinare forme.
Sassi precari che possono vacillare
in una notte di vento,
sassi granitici che possono resistere
a mille anni di pioggia e di sole.
Pietre che prendono forma di uomo
restando solo pietre.
Uomini che si fidano l'uno dell'altro
più che di una roccia immutabile e millenaria.
Sassi che guidano senza indicare,
sassi che illuminano senza luccicare.
Cumuli di rocce che insieme
valgono più di ogni singolo sasso.
Anche se sembrano solo tre sassi,
sono impasti di abisso e di cielo.
Well, we have to introduce ourselves....
Our names are Alberto, Elena and Stefano, friends for years and mountain’s lovers in all its forms. Each of us has his own story that we will be happy to tell you, three very different stories in the past but that have the same present and the same future. Being hut keeper comes from the heart; we are the guardians of this hut and of this mountain’s niche. We founded the TriSass snc company.
We look forward to seeing you!
Born in the 1971, globe trotter for passion, adventure and work. I love and live the mountain in every way, I don't spend weekends without setting foot on it, it's part of my life, I wanted it to become part of my job. I will welcome you at the hut, always available for a chat or information. I was born at the foot of the Grigna mountain, between its spires and paths I grew up. My Sass, the mountain to which I am bound for life..It .can't be that her.

Alberto Vitali
Born in the 1977, I'll spare you from my recent past biography. My present is made of mountains, books, people and bread. My origins are in Valsassina, in the shade of the Grignone Mountain and there I would also like to rest one day. The Masino Mountains hold a piece of me, even physical... I am able to ski a bit, to climb a little, I'm learning to walk. My Sass, the mountain to which I am bound for life, is the Ligoncio peak (Lis d'Arnasca).

Stefano Alessandro Rimoldi
Born in the 1980. Graduated in Violin at the conservatory, musician by profession for 20 years, she has chosen to work and live in the mountains for the last 9 years, a choice that has changed her life. She has travelled the world (14 countries) and worked in several mountain huts. You can find her in the kitchen to help Stefano, in the hall to welcome you with Alberto or playing the violin in one of her concerts in the mountains. Her Sass, the mountain to which she is bound for life, is the Grigna.

Elena Cosmo